Monday, December 2, 2013

I don't post here anymore, but you can find me at

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The use of drugs by minors is greater now than it has ever been, despite cautious parents, numerous deaths and anti drug campaigns. How do you hope to teach and protect your children from this, without sheltering them?

I teach my kids about drugs in methods they can understand. I think addiction is part of all human being's lives, whether they call it addition, fetish, or "something I like to do a lot". They need to understand addiction has consequences, and what those consequences are.

Go ahead. I'll be honest.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

They say retarded children are born to punish the parents for sin. It's really punishing the kids though. Not as much the Parents.

That's just cruel. To think of people with disabilities as a punishment is inhumane. It's shameful to even talk that way.

Go ahead. I'll be honest.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

What was a book you read that changed you life?

That's a tough one. The Bible might be a cliché answer, but it continues to change my life on a regular basis as I read more of it. There have been many. Mere Christianity (Lewis) influenced the way I see religion. Why Black People Tend To Shout shaped my views on race. A Light In The Forest helped me identify myself within my rather confusing surroundings. I read a great deal of Asimov and Heinlein, when I was young, which helped shape my view of technology and the future.

Ask me another question, I'll be honest.

Go ahead. I'll be honest.