I'd want to go somewhere where I could learn and help. Places like Madagascar, Haiti, or Mongolia. Beautiful places what need a lot of help.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
What was your favorite movie as a child?
The Rocketeer. I loved everything about it. The look of the movie is incredible, the musical score was well written, and you really can't go wrong with jetpacks and zeppelins.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would you choose?
Smithsonian. You gotta really be someone to be on that cover.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
If you could have invented one thing, what would it have been?
Mag-Lev trains. When I was 7 or 8, I drew up a schematic for a train that floated along a rail using magnets, and moved forward on a series of small magnetic waves.
I was very very impressed with the work, and went into a lot of detail on how to keep the thing stable, platforms for people to attach their cars onto for long distance trips, and high-speed exit and entrance ramps.
We had an engineer over for dinner at my house at once point... and when I showed him my work, he exclaimed how ingenious it was, and that it was exactly like the method a set of Japanese scientists used to make the real thing.
I was heartbroken.
What's your favorite season of the year?
Definitely spring. I was born in May, and where I'm from, that means the snow just starts melting and turning the streets to rivers. I would go out and walk in it in my rubber boots and umbrella, digging out canals and lakes.
For me, Spring has lot going for it. I love the rain. It's windy in spring, I love that. When it's sunny, it's really warm, and lifts your spirits up. If I could live in a place where it's constantly spring, I would.
Who's the most famous person you've met?
Probably my friends Fanshen Cox and Heidi W. Durrow. I haven't officially met them in person, but I will this summer.
What was the best job you've ever had?
So far, the one I just left; at Merrick Towle.
The new one, at Brightline, seems to be fighting quite well for that spot, though.
What was the last book you read?
Just finished The City by Clifford Simak. A lot more cerebral than I thought it would be.